If anybody was hoping that Donald Trump was going to fire his subversive Jew son-in-law Jared Kushner, they were sorely mistaken. He just hailed Kushner as “extraordinarily smart” and shilled a softball interview he just did with TIME Magazine.

One of the biggest reasons why the Trump presidency has turned into such a disaster is because of Kushner. He’s grabbed an increasing amount of power in the White House over time. He’s also been heavily involved in all the insane pro-Israel shit, the dealings with Saudi Arabia and the prison reform legislation which freed all sorts of nigger drug dealers. He’s even gotten involved in crafting immigration policy.

Trump is now just a presidential spokesman who sends lots of non-substantive tweets. All the real policy decisions are being made by Kushner and Zionist neocons like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton. The whole situation is disgusting.