Congressman Steve King recently tweeted a link to an article quoting Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban describing how diversity is not a strength. Needless to say there’s been all sorts of bitching and whining about this from our political enemies.

What this shows is that it is becoming more and more acceptable to have real discussions about race and culture. Western civilization is rooted within the racial soul of the White European man. There is no debating this. It is becoming apparent to most that multiculturalism doesn’t work and will never work.

This idea that you could bring a third world population of subhuman monkeys into a first world country and expect them to behave the same as the native population has been the most insane and retarded idea imaginable. This an idea that was promoted by Jews and bought into by idealistic baby boomers whose brains were fried from a few too many 1960s acid trips.

The good news is that the reality of the situation can no longer be ignored. Pretty soon you are going to have people in Congress saying the exact things that get talked about on this site and others like it.