Are you ready for some nigger ball???????

It’s that time of the year again! The Nigger Felon League is back in action!

Last night the NFL had its first round of preseason games and as expected some of the Negroid players took a knee during the national anthem or did a black power fist salute.

The President chimed in on this and correctly chastised these disrespectful monkeys.

He’s 100 percent right about them not even knowing what they’re protesting. It was originally supposed to be about blacks getting unjustly killed by cops right? Well, if police don’t deal with these violent niggers than the niggers just end up killing one another like what’s happening in Chicago. And when that happens, we see protests about widespread nigger death. How can you have it both ways?

But the fact that they’re still protesting this shit during the national anthem of all things is insane. Even worse is how the league refuses to put its foot down and enforce rules preventing this type of behavior. Attendance and ratings were down a great deal for NFL games last year and we can expect this trend to continue. This behavior is greatly offensive to the average White NFL fan and it’s just going to turn more and more people off from watching the product.

All Whites should boycott these dumb monkey ball circuses any way. There’s plenty of other more productive things you can be doing besides watching a bunch of low IQ niggers chasing after a ball.