Angela Merkel the dumb cunt who invited millions of third world savages into Germany is now saying that German police officers need to protect all Jews in Germany from anti-Semites. And this is because of the Jewish hoax known as the Holocaust.

The Hill:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in an interview airing Tuesday that police have to guard every synagogue, Jewish school and day care center in her country.

“We have always had a certain number of anti-Semites among us. Unfortunately, there is to this day not a single synagogue, not a single day care center for Jewish children, not a single school for Jewish children that does not need to be guarded by German policemen,” she told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.

“Unfortunately, over the years we have not been able to deal with this satisfactorily that we can do without this,” Merkel added.

“But we have to face up, indeed, to the spectors of the past. We have to tell our young people what history has brought over us and others and these horrors, why we are for democracy, why we try to bring about solutions, why we always have to put ourselves into the other person’s shoes, why we stand up against intolerance, why we show no tolerance towards violations of human rights, why article 1 of our basic law — human dignity is inviolable — is so fundamental to us.”

It defies comprehension how this stupid bitch is still in charge of Germany. Who the fuck supports this retarded traitor cunt?

This old hag is saying that German police need to protect Jews from anti-Semites after she willfully invited a population group into her country that is not very fond of Jews. That on its face is fundamentally retarded. But then to ramble on about the Holocaust hoax as justification for why they have to protect Jews is even more insane. Jews have been primarily responsible for lobbying politicians throughout the West to let in millions of brown and black hordes. It’s their own fault that anti-Semitism has increased.

And even if you believe Adolf Hitler really did shove six million Jews into shower room gas chambers, the people around today had nothing to do with that. Making people feel guilty for something that allegedly happened over 70 years ago is ridiculous.

Why the fuck is it the German people’s responsibility to protect this group of kikes? They have their own country they can live in. That country is called Israel. The German people are under no obligation to protect these filthy vermin, especially considering what the Jews have done to them.

Every single Jew should be kicked out of Germany. They are a race of parasites and have no business being there. Put them in processing camps and deport them all to Israel.