The Jews decided to finance a series of protests around the country demanding open borders along with the abolishment of Immigration and Customs enforcement.

Take a look at these clips. It’s mostly brown people, stupid unattractive females and soyboy faggots marching.

They’re even trying to emotionally blackmail people into accepting open borders by using children and celebrities.

The bottom line is that unlimited numbers of brown people don’t have the right to come here and feed off of our wealth and good nature. Even if you believe that they do have this right, it is not a practical solution to helping these people any way. Roy Beck’s gumball presentation illustrates why that is.

But these protesters don’t represent America. They’re rootless cosmopolitans brainwashed by Jewish propaganda. They’re not interested in practical solutions and have developed a worldview based on their emotions. This is no way to run a country.

The President’s tweet sums up the situation perfectly.

Oh well, hopefully these fools keep pushing for open borders. Putting the interests of illegal aliens over the American people is not a good political strategy. They are retarded for thinking that it is.