A Marine officer posted a video on social media criticizing top military leadership for the ongoing situation in Afghanistan. He demanded accountability for the failures.

They did not like his criticism so he has been promptly fired.

His criticism is accurate and certainly warranted. The Afghanistan debacle has been the biggest foreign policy failure of my lifetime.

Of course, you are not allowed to do politics as a military officer unless you fully agree with everything the Zionist occupational government says and does.

This just illustrates how broken and corrupt the system is. So far nobody has been fired over this disaster, but a random Marine officer who had nothing to do with the disaster gets fired for merely asking that people be held accountable for these insane failures.

The American military has become just as broken as everything else in this decaying empire.

What might help is if we recruit more women, homosexuals and trannies into leadership ranks. That just might fix the problem, but outside of that, things are looking quite grim at the moment.