I just checked out Nick Fuentes’ Twitter feed for the first time in a few weeks and found out that the thought policing Jews at YouTube had banned him from streaming on the site for a week.

The good news is that you can still watch his show on Dlive.

As we’ve said many times before, Dlive is a vastly superior platform to Jewish YouTube and far more fun.

Azzmador streams his great TKR Live shows on it.

There’s almost nothing of interest left on YouTube. It is only a matter of time before they ban Fuentes entirely. Anybody streaming anything that is politically interesting will be forced to use alternative services as we move forward.

YouTube is not YouTube and they should stop calling themselves this. It should be officially renamed to JewTube because you are only allowed a real presence on the site if you totally agree with Jews. Even slight disagreements with Jews will put you at risk of being thrown off the site.