Al Jazeera recently documented how Jews have been behind the porn and smut industries. Jack Posobiec went to Twitter and claimed that this was fake news.

Posobiec is a Zionist shill of the highest order. Al Jazeera is not wrong on this topic and Posobiec was quickly ratioed for this utterly retarded tweet.

Jews have absolutely been behind the porn and smut industries. This is a verifiable fact. Anybody can confirm this with a few quick Internet searches.

The kike Al Goldstein played a major role in normalizing hardcore porn in America.

The Forward did a whole article documenting several Jews who made it big in the porn industry.

And those are just two references I found in 30 seconds of searching.

But never mind that, my good friend Ben Garland wrote a whole book called “Merchants of Sin” that documents the entire history of this.

Jews have absolutely been behind porn and all sorts of other degenerate horse shit. This is just what Jews do.