Wikileaks recently posted a very interesting video on their Twitter account the other day. It reveals that the Israeli government recently launched a new command center that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to monitor and report any social media posts that contain hate of Jews.

The good news about this is that the algorithm is detecting 10,000 so-called “anti-Semitic” posts. And this is with all of the aggressive thought policing that’s already in place on Facebook and Twitter. It seems as if there’s lots of people who hate Jews and their evil behavior and they’re having a hard time keeping a lid on it.

The Zio-kike in the video is saying that the program is designed to shame people into not saying bad things about Jews. And on top of that, it is meant to galvanize government officials into taking action against people who say bad things about Jews.

This is basically admitted foreign interference by Israelis in our systems. To hell with this bullshit about Russia. We need to deal with these filthy kikes who are fucking around with our shit. Sanctions should be slapped on Israel and all Jews should all be thrown out of our countries for subversive criminal activities.