Luke O’Brien is back in the news. He’s a writer who has dedicated the past couple years of his life writing nonsensical lies and propaganda about the Alt-Right on behalf of Jews.

It looks as if he’s gotten tired of writing articles about Nazis and is now going after Jew infiltrators in the MAGA crowd. He wrote a piece for the Huffington Post on Amy Mek a prominent pro-Trump MAGA personality on Twitter. She has around 230,000 Twitter followers and is best known for bashing Moslems.

After doing some research, O’Brien identified and doxxed her as a Jew named Amy Mekelburg. He also exposed the fact that her husband worked as a high level executive for World Wrestling Entertainment. This resulted in Mekelburg’s husband getting fired from his job. He also managed to cause problems for her brother’s business.

Long story short, he ruined her life and the life of her family with his article. Prior to the article getting published Mekelburg whined about O’Brien’s plan to dox her.

But because O’Brien doxxed a Jew, hell has been unleashed against him. Jews within both Alt-Lite and MAGA circles have gone after him with full force. The Jew Laura Loomer even threatened to dox him.

O’Brien was also briefly banned from Twitter because Jews whined about him making a wrestling joke.

He’s also been getting death threats.

Arianna Huffington’s personal information was even leaked over O’Brien’s article. The Jews have come after anyone who had any sort of perceived responsibility for green lighting his piece.

But Jews like Mekelburg who are involved in Alt-Lite and MAGA circles are an enormous problem. They are a subversive influence trying to steer Trump’s presidency away from his populist agenda and towards adopting policies that are favorable to Jews. O’Brien did a great service by exposing this kike.

I’m honestly not sure what caused O’Brien to do something like this, but I hope he continues with this type of work. And who knows, maybe this situation has convinced him of how much power Jews actually have. Or maybe in the years he was researching the Alt-Right he came to the conclusion that we were correct about the Jews. He’s got to be thinking this in the back of his mind, especially considering that this single article has caused the Jews to come after him with such vengeance.