The French are really angry at the high fuel prices in France. Apparently French President Emmanuel Macron levied some globalist carbon tax crap on fuel and they’re really mad about it. Dubbed the “Yellow Vest” protests, there was a huge protest this past weekend and the protests have continued throughout the week.

It’s just funny that the French voted in a globalist and are surprised that he enacted globalist policies. He’s been a Jewish puppet from the start and any fool could have seen this with the exception of two thirds of the French public apparently. The media told them that they were bad racist people if they voted for Marine Le Pen and the National Front so they chose Macron and Jewish globalism instead.

Talk about a bunch of easily misled fools.

But whatever the case, it’s just really bizarre that they are so angry over higher fuel prices when they have much more serious problems in their country. Namely the fact that their country is being overrun with violent Africans and Moslems. Yet, we don’t see any mass outrage from the French over that.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to see them protesting against the Jewish puppet Macron, but the main reason they are protesting him and causing all this chaos is goofy as all fuck.