The New York Post put out a story providing more details about corrupt dealings between Hunter Biden and his Ukraine business associates. The story is being heavily stifled by Facebook and Twitter.

Incredibly they even went so far as to disable the Twitter account of the New York Post. I’m honestly not aware of them disabling the account of a major newspaper like this before. I believe this is a first.

The story just further proves what we already knew. That Hunter Biden was getting paid by Ukrainians to have access to his dad who at the time was Vice President. There’s all sorts of corrupt dealings that went on.

The fact that Facebook and Twitter are actively trying to stifle this news is just another example of how they are deliberately interfering in the 2020 election. They are obviously throttling this story because they want the orange man removed from the White House.

These companies are criminal institutions that need to dealt with. If not, they are just going to define reality by controlling people’s communications.