I was off the grid for the past 18 hours or so and just came online to find out that the evil Zionist traitor John McCain has died and is in the pits of hell.

This is the greatest news I have heard in a long time!!

Fox News:

Arizona Sen. John McCain, a war hero who survived five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, served three decades in Congress and went on to become the Republican Party’s nominee for president in 2008, died Saturday. He was 81 years old.

In his last hours, McCain turned down further treatment, his family announced in a statement.

McCain was diagnosed with brain cancer in July 2017. Doctors discovered the tumor during a medical procedure to remove a blood clot from above his left eye. He remained upbeat after the diagnosis, flying back to Washington days after surgery with a large scar visible above his eye to partake in the Senate’s health care debate.

“I greatly appreciate the outpouring of support – unfortunately for my sparring partners in Congress, I’ll be back soon, so stand-by!” McCain tweeted on July 20 after his diagnosis.

While I haven’t watched any of the cable news coverage, I’m sure that they’re portraying him as some type of great American hero. The people presenting him this way are liars as he wasn’t a great American hero, he was a great American piece of shit.

All he did while in office was push America into stupid wars for Jews and Israel. And worse yet, he supported open borders policies despite his home state being flooded with all sorts of beaner monkeys.

He even supported ISIS terrorists against Syria and sabotaged Donald Trump’s attempt to abolish Obamacare last year. Not to mention he’s been one of the loudest voices agitating for war against the Russians.

There’s much more, but that basically summarizes the major points of his awful legacy.

Even his status as a so-called “war hero” seems to have been a lie. There’s been reports documenting how his fellow POWs did not believe that he was tortured. And there’s also sufficient information to suggest that he collaborated with the Communists in exchange for preferential treatment.

Whatever the case, I’m just glad he’s dead. He was a very evil man and I have no doubt that he is in hell right now.