Has anybody seen this crazy ass CIA-nigger Phil Mudd on CNN? This guy is fucking insane. Why does CNN even have this guy on? Do they think he is good for ratings?

I mean, nobody legitimately watches CNN to get news and information except for mentally unbalanced individuals. So I guess by putting this whack job on television they’re pandering to their audience which consists primarily of insane people.

Other than that, I have no serious explanation as to why they keep having this fucked up person on television.

Trump doesn’t get it either. In fact, this man is so crazy that Trump just asked if his security clearance should be revoked. lol

And yes Mr. President he should absolutely have his security clearance revoked. It’s obvious that he is of unsound mind and in need of professional psychological help.

In fact, Mudd’s behavior is proof that a mass purge needs to be conducted at the CIA. If he was employed there, one can only imagine the level of crazy that exists within that organization.

It will be hilarious seeing Mudd’s reaction to Trump’s tweet. I mean, CNN is definitely going to have this guy come on tomorrow to talk about it. And that’s exactly why Trump posted that tweet because he knows that’s exactly what’s going to happen.

The end result is that CNN is going to further discredit themselves by highlighting this deranged individual that they present as a so-called expert analyst.