Thursday, April 18, 2024

Iran and Turkey Hold Talks on Palestine at Economic Summit

If Turkey and Iran worked together, they could end Israel.

Old American Man Shoots Climate Hoaxers Blocking Panama Highway

They messed around with the wrong boomer expat!

US Carries Out Barrage of Air Strikes in Eastern Syria

The war seems to be rapidly expanding.

Turkish Man Attacks Burger King Restaurant Over Israel War

Burger King definitely deserves this.

Zelensky Begging For Loans to Keep War Going

It's over dude, just give it up.

Australian Telecom Optus Has Nationwide Outage

They should change their marketing from Optus Yes to Optus No.

German Industrial Production in Sharp Decline

A series of stupid decisions caused this.

Germany’s Scholz Cries About Attacks on Jews

So what are you saying Olaf? That you are a Nazi if you protest Jews killing children?

Turks Stage Pro-Palestine Protest Outside US/NATO Air Base

How much longer can the US maintain a military presence in the region?

Russian Automaker Nets Highest Sales in a Decade

Another story showing how sanctions on Russia have totally failed.