Saturday, April 20, 2024

Disney’s New Snow White Film Should be Called “Snow Brown”

They cast a Hispanic actress to play Snow White.

California Preparing to Become Abortion Sanctuary

Makes sense. They worship Moloch out there.

Musk to Build New AI Called “TruthGPT”

This should be better than ChatGPT at least.

Feminists Claim Twitter is Censoring Them Over Tranny Agenda

The Jews leftist political bloc is rapidly disintegrating.

Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates Push Fake Meat and Fungus Foods

Eating real meat would contribute to climate change apparently.

Smartest Man Alive is Embracing White Identity Politics

It's a good sign when the man with the highest IQ on the planet is on your side.

Free Porn to be Blocked in UK

Internet pornography viewing has become a major health crisis in the West.