For anybody who thought that all of Donald Trump’s shilling for Jews and Israel was for nothing, you were 100 percent wrong. Trump is going to get a town in the Golan Heights named after him in exchange for all the shilling.

Jerusalem Post:

Netanyahu said there “is a need to express our appreciation by calling a community or neighborhood on the Golan Heights after Donald Trump. I will bring that to the government [for approval] soon.”

Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights came in late March, some two weeks before the April 9 elections, 52 years after Israel captured the region during the 1967 Six Day War, and 38 years after Israel annexed the region.

This is clearly an attempt by Bibi to appeal to the orange man’s ego. It’s to keep him happy and distracted while he and President Kushner continue on with serious business. After all, they still have lots of Palestinians left to genocide and they need to figure out the best way to do this without the orange man getting in the way.