Breaking news folks. The corrupt state government of Arizona run by the RINO shill Doug the big douche Ducey certified the fraudulent election results today. He’s going to regret that decision, because nobody outside of shills and retards will say that these results were legitimate.

Meanwhile, Republican state representatives today have been holding a hearing with Donald Trump’s legal team. It is still ongoing, but the witnesses that Rudy Giuliani presented provided compelling evidence that the results of the election were statistically impossible.

Common sense dictates that the results were not mathematically possible, but Rudy presented math experts who concluded the same thing with much more detailed data analysis. Multiple other witnesses also shared stories of different types of chicanery and fraud that took place.

Here are some highlights provided by Team Trump.

This entire election has been a sham. What more do you need to know? The only question that remains now is if the people who orchestrated this insane fraud will get away with it. Let’s hope not.